SSH terminal

How to connect to your Synology NAS for SSH

Learn step-by-step how to connect to your Synology NAS via SSH securely, and manage your device from the terminal easily. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Enable SSH service on your Synology NAS

  1. Open a web browser and access the management interface of your Synology NAS. http://192.168.x.x o https://ip-nas.local.
  2. Sign in with an administrator account.
  3. Go to Control PanelTerminal and SNMP.
  4. On the Terminal tab, check the Enable SSH service box.
  5. Make sure to use the default port 22 or change it if you need more security.
  6. Click Apply to save changes.

SSH interface

Step 2: Connect to Synology NAS via SSH

  1. Open Terminal on your local computer.
  2. Use the following command to connect to the NAS:
    ssh user@nas-ip
  3. If you changed the SSH port on the NAS, add the -p flag followed by the port: ssh user@nas-ip -p port
  4. The first time you connect, you may be asked to accept the server’s fingerprint. Type yes to continue.

Local Environment Terminal

Step 3: Test and verify the connection

  • Once connected, you should see the prompt of your Synology NAS.
  • You can run commands like: ls -la to list directories or navigate the system.

Synology Terminal

Safety Tips

  • Change the SSH port: Using a port other than the default (22) can help reduce unauthorized access attempts.
  • Use non-administrator users: Unless strictly necessary, use a standard user to connect via SSH and avoid using root or admin.


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